There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt which were built
mostly between 2600 BC and 1500 BC and all are situated close to the Nile
river. After the ruler died (or other prominent royal figures like queens),
their bodies were wrapped and preserved as a mummy, and placed in the Pyramid.
The most popular pyramids are the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, an estimated
20,000 to 30,000 workers built the Pyramids at Giza over 80 years. Giza also
has the largest pyramid, known as “Great Pyramid”, which rises to an amazing
481 feet.
Nile River 

“Egypt is the gift of
the Nile... Nowhere are there so many marvelous things as in Egypt, nor in the
whole world besides are to be seen so many things of unspeakable greatness,”
wrote the Greek scholar Herodotus in 425 BC. Egypt has stunned and
delighted its visitors for millennia, and the Nile River is the gateway to its
many gems and one-of-a-kind treasures.
A Nile River cruise offers a whole new perspective on Egypt. Traveling onboard a Uniworld ship lets you experience the heart and soul of this amazing country, as many of Egypt’s cities and towns developed along the Nile. The Nile has long been a reflection of Egypt’s history and destiny—an economic lifeline, a great highway to conquest, and a source of inspiration throughout the centuries—and now it’s your turn to be inspired at every turn by its powerful myths, ancient history, and spiritual wonders. From grand colonnaded temples to bustling marketplaces to rural villages where life exists much as it did thousands of years ago, a cruise along the Nile is like watching 5,000 years of culture unfold before your eyes.
A Nile River cruise offers a whole new perspective on Egypt. Traveling onboard a Uniworld ship lets you experience the heart and soul of this amazing country, as many of Egypt’s cities and towns developed along the Nile. The Nile has long been a reflection of Egypt’s history and destiny—an economic lifeline, a great highway to conquest, and a source of inspiration throughout the centuries—and now it’s your turn to be inspired at every turn by its powerful myths, ancient history, and spiritual wonders. From grand colonnaded temples to bustling marketplaces to rural villages where life exists much as it did thousands of years ago, a cruise along the Nile is like watching 5,000 years of culture unfold before your eyes.

It's a
wonderful place to relax, swim and eat some olives. The old town of Siwa dates
back to the 13th century and its mud and brick architecture looks gnarled and
quite unique.

Sharm El-Sheikh - is another attractive
city of Egypt situated on the southern end of Sinai Peninsula. This place is
considered as one of the most unique pitching spots in the world. Your eyes
will get tantalize due to crystal clear water and white sandy beaches during
your tour to Sharm El Sheikh.Sharm El Sheikh is categorized into three regions
viz. Na'ama Bay, Ras Um Sid Cliff and Sharm El Maya. As it is one of the most
perfect diving spots, several private companies are undertaking diving courses
at all levels offering you a great opportunity to learn diving.Best places to
see are - Sinai Mountain, Na'ama Bay, Tiran Island, Terrazzina Beach and White

The Egyptian Museum was first built in Boulak. In 1891, it
was moved to GizaPalace of "Ismail Pasha" which housed the
antiquities that were later moved to the present building. The Egyptian Museum
is situated at Tahrir square in Cairo. It was built during the reign of Khedive
Abbass Helmi II in 1897, and opened on November 15, 1902 (More History). It has
107 halls. At the ground floor there are the huge statues. The upper floor
houses small statues, jewels, Tutankhamon treasures and the mummies.
The Museum
also comprises a photography section and a large library The Egyptian museum
comprises many sections arranged in chronological order
v The first section houses Tutankhamon's treasures.
v The second section houses the pre-dynasty and the Old
Kingdom monuments.
v The third section houses the first intermediate period
and the Middle Kingdom monuments.
v The forth section houses the monuments of the Modern
v The fifth section houses the monuments of the late
period and the Greek and Roman periods.
v The sixth section houses coins and papyrus.
v The seventh section houses sarcophagi and scrabs.
hall for the royal mummies was opened at the museum, housing eleven kings and
queens. More than a million and half tourists visit the museum annually, in
addition to half a million Egyptians.
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